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The above simulation did not actually include the parasitic capacitances and resistances of the interconnect. It only included the gate, source, and drain parameters that were available in the spice models. In order to include the extra interconnect parasitics, we must re-extract our layout, but with an additional flags enabled. When you select Verify->Extract in the layout window, click the "Set Switches" button. This will open an additional window with a set of options. Highlight the "Extract_parasitic_caps" option. This will put parasitic resistors and capacitors in the new extracted view.

In order to simulate with the new extracted view, open it like you would a layout. It will open up but look ugly. Load the simulation environment just like you would in the Simulation Tutorial.

Run the netlist/simulate once and then view the netlist. Open the "netlist" file. You should see a bunch of transistors and capacitors but with some randomized names. The inputs should be named normally, but other internal nets may not. Here is an example from my inverter:

// Library name: mylib
// Cell name: invx1
// View name: extracted
\+1 (Z A _net0 _net0) tsmc18dP w=2.7e-07 l=1.8e-07 as=1.539e-13 \
        ad=1.539e-13 ps=1.35e-06 pd=1.35e-06 m=1 region=sat
\+5 (A _net1) capacitor c=2.27853e-17 m=1
\+4 (Z _net1) capacitor c=2.87838e-17 m=1
\+3 (_net0 _net1) capacitor c=1.29997e-16 m=1
\+2 (_net0 Z) capacitor c=2.87838e-17 m=1
\+0 (Z A _net1 _net1) tsmc18dN w=2.7e-07 l=1.8e-07 as=1.539e-13 \
        ad=1.539e-13 ps=1.35e-06 pd=1.35e-06 m=1 region=sat

Find out what vdd! and gnd! are called in layout by looking at the body terminals of a PMOS and NMOS. They should all be hooked together or else your layout is not complete. In my case, it was _net0 for vdd and _net1 for gnd. Then, hook these up to vdd or gnd as shown here along with your normal stimulus:

// Spectre Source Statements
v0a (vdd _net0) resistor r=0
v1a (gnd _net1) resistor r=0
v0 (vdd vdd!) resistor r=0
v1 (gnd gnd!) resistor r=0
vdd (vdd 0) vsource dc=1.8
gnd (gnd 0) vsource dc=0
vin (A 0) vsource type=pulse val0=0 val1=1 period=100n delay=10n rise=0.1n fall=0.1n width=50n

Re-run your simulation and you should see the same behavior as the schematic-only simulation, but with different delays. If not, there is an error in your setup (assuming that LVS passed)!