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Revision as of 19:16, 23 October 2009 by Test (Talk | contribs) (Hints to work with Nallatech System)

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Project Goals

- Implement a setup a LEON3 processor running Linux on the Nallatech board

- Set up Hasim environment

Project Status

- LEON3 is booting from Onchip RAM, and sending data through the FSB.

- Hasim is installed, waiting for the Bluespec license

Next steps

- Make LEON3 boot from System main memory. That includes to connect the system bus directly to the FSB and write a bootloader.

- Setup on-board DDR-II memory

Hints to work with Nallatech System

- The only way to communicate with the system right now is through the AFU interface, using the ACP_Memcopy() function.

 - Never use less than 64bytes to send and 64bytes to receive or the system will hang up.!!!
 - In the FPGA design you should always send back the data the number of bytes you declare in the ACP_Memcopy(), if not the system will hang.
 - The data is received and send in the FPGA in packets of 256 bits => 32 bytes. That means that each time you make a ACP_Memcopy() you will
   receive two packets (two rx_valid) and you must send two packets back, (two tx_valid).