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Here are some of my BASH tricks

Find files containing MMU in the name, do a line count, and them add them up. The first part finds files, then redirects the output of the line counts to a temp file

[tom@garak gaisler]$ for i in $(find|grep mmu); do wc $i -l; done>~/leon3_mmu_linecount
The output file:
655 ./leon3/mmutlb.vhd
351 ./leon3/mmuconfig.vhd
258 ./leon3/mmutw.vhd
176 ./leon3/mmulru.vhd 
1559 ./leon3/mmu_dcache.vhd
202 ./leon3/libmmu.vhd
245 ./leon3/mmuiface.vhd
609 ./leon3/mmu.vhd
148 ./leon3/mmu_cache.vhd
189 ./leon3/mmutlbcam.vhd
380 ./leon3/mmu_acache.vhd
111 ./leon3/mmulrue.vhd
662 ./leon3/mmu_icache.vhd

The second part cuts the first field of the file, which is an integer containing the line count, and add all of them up

[tom@garak gaisler]$ PASS=0;for i in $(cat ~/leon3_mmu_linecount|cut -d" " -f1); do PASS=$(($PASS+$i)); done; echo $PASS lines total
5545 lines total
