GIT Repository

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Revision as of 07:02, 18 June 2009 by Jose Renau (Talk | contribs) (Setup)

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You need to setup your name and email

git config --global  "Your Username"
git config --global

Checkout/clone once ESESC

git clone ssh://

Checkout/clone once MTHD

git clone ssh://

Checkout/clone once SCOORE

git clone git+ssh://

Checkout/clone once SYNOS (the public branch of SCOORE)

git clone git+ssh://


Every day synchronize with other people modifications

git pull

Whenever you perform a task commit the changes

git commit -a

Remember that a commit does not make the changes visible. Do frequent pushes to the server

git push

To add/rename files uses the git command

git mv foo foo2
git add foo.cpp

Including Separate Project

ESESC includes code from the QEMU git repository. This is merged into the ESESC repository using the subtree merge strategy.

The initial steps to merge the qemu git repository were:

git remote add -f qemu-mainline git://
git merge -s ours --no-commit qemu-mainline/master
git read-tree --prefix=emul/qemu/ -u qemu-mainline/master
git commit -m "adding qemu-mainline code"

Getting updates from QEMU git is done with

git pull -s subtree qemu-mainline master

Since QEMU is already included in ESESC the initial configuration steps are not all needed for new repository clones. The only step needed is add the remote ref:

git remote add -f qemu-mainline git://