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Automatic Testbench Creator (ATC)

The ATC is a VPI testbench creator, it processes a verilog topfile, which is the device under test (DUT).
By processing the DUT, the ATC creates an object with inputs and outputs which are exactly the same as the DUT.

  • aunit.v *

module alu_add(input int data1, input int data2, output int out);

 always_comb begin
     out = data1 + data2;

end module

The ATC created testbench will give access to data1, data2 and out, which is the complete interface of aunit.v

  1. Implementation:

The ATC is integrated into rake. To use it, edit the xml file in your top directory of the module.

  • In the testbench xml tag, add the ttb attribute, and set it to the name of your DUT.
    This assumes that the dut.v file is relative to rtl/dut.v, and the output of the ATC will be to tests/

  1. ce.xml # (Excerpt taken)

... <testbench base="salu_tb" suite="vcs" ttb="salu.v">

