Tom Golubev's F09 CMPE222 Project
Tom Golubev
CMPE 222 F09
VLSI Project Proposal
Extend the SRAM compiler to support 2 Read ports. This entails creating a 2 read port cell, making the compiler tile it, then adding more address decoders and sense amps. A high metal layer may be necessary (M3) for the decoders of the 2nd port. This project is half layout, half python compiler scripting.
* Denotes perceived difficulty, from low * to high ***
Basic Plan:
•.*Understand Python script / study 1R/1W cell
•.**Create / Simulate 2R/1W standard cell
•.*Add 2R/1W option into compiler
•.*Make compiler tile the 2R/1W cell
•.*Figure out where to put address decoders / sense amps
•.***Decide which metal layer 2nd read port interconnects will be on, metal3?
•.***Have compiler wire interconnects for 2nd port
•.**Test / Debug / validate
Extended Plan:
•.*Simulate with CACTI
•.**Try reducing area / power