Installing OAGear
We have a copy of OAGear in our subversion repository, which you can get with.
> svn co file:///mada/users/vlsi/OAGear
To configure you'll need to set up a few things, including local bin/ and lib/ folders, and the path to Open Access. OAGear does not compile correctly with g++ 4; specifically, segmentation faults will occur on some function returns when Open Access objects have been placed on the stack. Use g++ 3.4 to get around this. Finally, --enable-all is assumed by the configuration script unless you tell it otherwise, so simply putting --disable-dd will have no effect because it will be renabled by the implicit --enable-all. The best workaround is to --disable-all then --enable-PACKAGE for each package that you want.
> ./configure --prefix=$HOME --with-oa=/mada/software/oa2.2.6/ CXX=g++34 --disable-all --enable-timer --enable-util
The rest of the installation should be straightforward.
> make > make install > make check
The make check will most likely fail. For whatever reason, the libraries aren't created in the Timer/Regression Test. Ensure that the cbl250 and designs libraries are created in Examples/db, then copy them across to the Timer/RegressionTest directory. The tests should then succeed.
> cd Examples > ./make-db > cp db/cbl250 ../Timer/RegressionTest > cp db/designs ../Timer/RegressionTest > cd .. > make check