Cadence Encounter

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To use the Cadence tools, you must change this environment variable:

export OSUcells=/mada/software/techfiles/osu_soc_v2.7/cadence 

The OSU scripts for Cadence can be copied from here:

cp -rf /mada/software/techfiles/osu_soc_v2.7/cadence/flow/ami035

but they are for an old version of Encounter. Quite a few things have changed, so I am posting a description of the working script I made by modifying the old OSU scripts.

You will need to specify the correct top-level name and gate-level netlist name in encounter.conf. This keeps variables and constants used in the placement and routing scripts.

Running Scripts

To run encounter, you simply can run:


at the Linux shell prompt.

In this tutorial, I may not explicitly mention the GUI menu commands, because it is more convenient to use the shell interface. However, most of these commands are available (with forms for options) under the appropriate menus (e.g. Timing, Place, Floorplan, etc.). I suggest that you use the GUI for the first time along with the "-cmd foo.log" argument to save your actions/commands to a file called foo.log. You can then create a script from the saved file.

To run a script, type:

encounter -init encounter.tcl

with X11 exported to your local machine. If this completes successfully, you can hit "f" to center the layout.

In the terminal window where you ran encounter, you should see the shell prompt:

 encounter 1>

This is where you enter commands if you do not use the GUI.

Typical Design Flow

A typical design flow involves subsequently refined layout steps. The first step is a course planning of the chip called floorplanning. This is followed by IO and cell placement, special net routing, clock tree synthesis, in-place optimization, and finally global and detailed routing.

Between most of these steps we perform a timing analysis on the circuit to determine its performance and see if we need to back up. The timing analysis is run with the following commands:

 timeDesign -preCTS -idealClock -numPaths 10 -prefix preCTS

The options to the command timeDesign will change depending on which part of the flow you are in.


 floorplan -r 1.0 0.9 1 1 1 1


 addRing -spacing_bottom 10 -width_left 10 -width_bottom 10 -width_top 10 -spacing_top 10 -layer_bottom metal3 -width_right 10 -around core -center 1 -layer_top metal3 -spacing_right 10 -spacing_left 10 -layer_right metal4 -layer_left metal4 -nets { gnd vdd }
 addStripe  -set_to_set_distance 100 -spacing 5 -xleft_offset 50 -layer metal4 -width 5 -nets { gnd vdd }

Special Net Routing

 sroute -noBlockPins -noPadRings

Trial routing


At this time, it is a good idea to do Pre-CTS Timing Analysis. This will give you an idea if your placement is way off and there is no chance for timing. If this is the case, you will likely have to change your IO assignment or change your floorplan.

In-Place Optimization

Clock Tree Synthesis

 createClockTreeSpec -output encounter.cts
 clockDesign -clk clk

 reportClockTree -postRoute -localSkew -report skew.post_troute_local.ctsrpt

 setAnalysisMode -checkType setup -asyncChecks async -skew true -clockPropagation sdcControl
 timeDesign -postCTS -numPaths 10 -prefix postCTS

Post-CTS In-Place Optimization

 setExtractRCMode -engine preroute -assumeMetFill
 optDesign -postCTS

 timeDesign -postCTS

Filler Cells

 addFiller -cell FILL -prefix FILL -fillBoundary


 globalNetConnect vdd -type tiehi
 globalNetConnect vdd -type pgpin -pin vdd -override
 globalNetConnect gnd -type tielo
 globalNetConnect gnd -type pgpin -pin gnd -override

 setExtractRCMode -engine postRoute 
 optDesign -postRoute
 setExtractRCMode -engine postRoute
 #timeDesign -signOff # need to install qrc to use this
 timeDesign -postRoute

Final Check

 verifyConnectivity -type all

Save Output

 streamOut final.gds2 -mapFile -stripes 1 -units 1000 -mode ALL
 saveNetlist -excludeLeafCell final.v

 rcout -spf final.dspf

Notes on 45nm

If you want to synthesize a design using the Nangate FreePDK45 cell library, you need to make a few changes:

1) You need to compile the Nangate .lib into a .db and use that. To do this, run:


Then execute these commands:

read_lib /mada/software/techfiles/NangateOpenCellLibrary_PDKv1_3_v2009_07/liberty/NangateOpenCellLibrary_typical_conditional_ccs.lib  
write_lib NangateOpenCellLibrary

which will create a file NangateOpenCellLibrary.db. Move that to your project directory.

2) Then, these lines change to the compile_dc.tcl:

set search_path [concat  $search_path . ]
set link_library [set target_library [concat  [list NangateOpenCellLibrary.db ] [list dw_foundation.sldb]]]

3) In the encounter.conf, you need to reference the .lib file instead of the .tlf file. You also need to point to the .lef file. Specifically, these lines change:

set OSUcells /mada/software/techfiles/NangateOpenCellLibrary_PDKv1_3_v2009_07
set rda_Input(ui_timelib) "$OSUcells/liberty/NangateOpenCellLibrary_typical_conditional_ccs.lib"
set rda_Input(ui_leffile) "$OSUcells/lef/NangateOpenCellLibrary.lef"