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Revision as of 23:32, 28 March 2016

Testing the installation of Archlinux: Manjaro XFCE 8.7.1

Creating Manjaro Live Installation Media

    diskutil list
    diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2 //flash is connected to disk2
    dd of=/dev/disk2 if=/path/to/manjaro-xfce-
    diskutil eject /dev/disk2

Installing Manjaro XFCE 8.7.1 via Installation Wizard

  • Boot from the USB Drive.
  • When prompted type in ‘stat’ press enter to select Manjaro Live.
  • Click on the Manjaro installation manager icon on the Desktop and walk through the installation process.
  • When prompted for a username, choose one that is NOT your SOE login! For example "elnaz_local" rather than my SOE login of "elnaz". Otherwise you will not be able to login to your computer after you setup LDAP.
  • When prompted for a machine name, enter the name that machine is supposed to be (mascd11, omelette, quiche, etc)
  • Selecting 'Edit Partitioning' will launch gparted which will allow you to delete current partitions and/or add new partitions.
    • At least 3 partitions are needed.
      • ~2G storage for /boot and select ‘ext2’ as the format.
      • At least 8-10G for swap and select ‘linux-swap’ as the format.
      • The rest of the storage space can be partitioned as root ‘/‘ with the ‘ext4’ format.
      • You can add other partition such as home directory.
      • Click on 'Edit' and select 'Apply All Partitions' to save the changes. And quit the program.
  • Right click on ~2G partition and mount it as /boot. The format should be 'ext2'.
  • Right click on the largest partition (i.e. root) and mount is as '/'. Click Forward.
  • Leave grub to be installed in the default partition.
  • Deselect Plymouth login manager. You should install a different login manager later, for instance SLiM.
  • Review the summary of the changes you have made. And click on 'install'.
  • Installation wizard should complete as normal.

NOTE: when partitioning the disk, make sure root and boot partitions are on one disk. Otherwise, you will not be able to boot from hard drive.

Account Setup

Enable root account. Open a terminal window. And enter your new root password for the machine

 sudo su -   

Add your local and SOE logins to the list of sudoers:

vi /etc/sudoers

Package Installation

Update all the installed packages on your system.

pacman -Syu

Install ssh (not by default)

pacman -S openssh

Make sure that you have a decent speed mirrorlist

cd /etc/pacman.d
cp mirrorlist mirrorlist.backup
# make sure to uncomment all the USA servers
vim mirrorlist.backup
rankmirrors -n 6 mirrorlist.backup > mirrorlist

Replicate the packages installed in another server

pacman -Suy
pacman -Qqe | grep -vx "$(pacman -Qqm)" > Packages

Install the packages in your local machine (foo can be packages that fail to install)

cat Packages | grep -v foo | pacman -S --noconfirm -

Install yaourt (better than pacaur)


Firewall Setup

Setup the firewall:

ufw default deny
ufw reject auth
ufw limit ssh/tcp
ufw logging off

The next line is only needed the first time you install the package.

ufw enable

Follow it by enabling ufw with systemctl.

systemctl enable ufw.service

Finally, query the rules being applied via the status command.

ufw status

NVIDIA Driver Installation

By default, video-nvidia-nouveau is installed. Remove it and install video-nvidia instead.

The following command will list the basic information of all the drivers currently installed on your system.

mhwd -li -d

Filter the drivers used on a hardware with a PCI connection:

mhwd -li -d --pci

To remove the installed driver for nvidia graphics card use the following command.

mhwd -r pci video-nvidia-nouveau

You will also need to manually remove nouveau from the conf file. Edit /etc/mkinitcpio.conf by commenting out the following line.

MODULES=" nouveau"

And install video-nvidia driver

mhwd -i pci video-nvidia

MADA Related Installations


mmap problem for qemu

echo "vm.mmap_min_addr = 4096"             >>/etc/sysctl.d/10-esesc.conf
echo "fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 65535" >>/etc/sysctl.d/10-esesc.conf
echo "kernel.randomize_va_space = 0"       >>/etc/sysctl.d/10-esesc.conf

restart sysctl

systemctl restart systemd-sysctl.service


Install autofs and nfs-utils.

pacman -S autofs nfs-utils
Create a mada directory.
 mkdir /mada 


scp <username>@mascd10.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/autofs/auto.mada      /etc/autofs/
scp <username>@mascd10.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/autofs/auto.master   /etc/autofs/

When you are done configuring, launch the AutoFS daemon as root:

systemctl start autofs 

To start the daemon on boot:

systemctl enable autofs

Edit /etc/autofs/auto.mada

users               -rw,intr,soft,noquota,noatime,fstype=nfs4 mada0.cse.ucsc.edu:/mada/users 
software            -ro,intr,soft,noquota,noatime,fstype=nfs4 mada0.cse.ucsc.edu:/mada/software

Reload autofs

systemctl reload autofs

Now you should be able to see both /mada/users and /mada/software in your /mada directory. If you do not see those folders mounted. autofs was not setup properly. Reconfigure.


Enable ssh service

systemctl restart sshd.service
systemctl enable sshd.service

To enable X forwarding.

vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Make sure X11 forwarding option is set to yes

X11Forwarding yes

Now you should be able to ssh to your machine using the local username you have created.

ssh x_local@masdx.cse.ucsc.edu


Please do not reboot while setting up LDAP until you make sure it works! Otherwise you might end up locking yourself out and having to re-install!

Install the following packages.

pacman -S openldap nss nss_ldap pam_ldap cyrus-sasl-ldap lib32-libldap
yaourt  -A nss_updatedb //Type N to edit build package and Y for installation

You have already set your host name as mascdx. Check:

vi /etc/hostname

If it is not set, set it using the following command.

hostnamectl set-hostname mascdx

Now mascdx is in /etc/hostname

Disable Modem Manager.

systemctl disable ModemManager

To get a list of current NIC names use:

ls /sys/class/net 

Output example:

eno1  lo

You can use either dhcpcd or NetworkManager to configure the network. Do not leave both 'active'.

systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
systemctl disable NetworkManager.service
systemctl enable dhcpcd.service
systemctl start dhcpcd.service 

Copy LDAP configuration files:

scp <username>@mascd10.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/openldap/ldap.conf /etc/openldap/ldap.conf
scp <username>@mascd10.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/nss_ldap.conf /etc/nss_ldap.conf
scp <username>@mascd10.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/pam_ldap.conf /etc/pam_ldap.conf
scp -r <username>@mascd10.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/openldap/cacerts /etc/openldap/.
scp <username>@mascd10.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/pam.d/system-auth /etc/pam.d/system-auth
scp <username>@mascd10.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/pam.d/su-l /etc/pam.d/su-l
scp <username>@mascd10.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/pam.d/mdm /etc/pam.d/mdm
scp <username>@mascd10.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/pam.d/sudo /etc/pam.d/sudo

Copy nss switch configuration file.

scp <username>@mascd10.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/nsswitch.conf  /etc/.

Now you should be able to execute the following command.

ldapsearch -x LLL

Copy imapd configuration file.

scp <username>@mascd10.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/idmapd.conf  /etc/.

make sure to have a newline at the end of /etc/request-key.d/id_resolver.conf

create id_resolver * * /usr/bin/nfsidmap %k %d

Restrict access to your machine by copying and editing /etc/security/access.conf.

scp <username>@mascd10.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/security/access.conf  /etc/security/.

You will need to add your local login to the machine, or you will lock yourself out.

vi /etc/security/access.conf

Go to very bottom of file and add your local user account to the list below root. Example of the last lines of my file (Replace "elnaz_local" with your local login).

+ : root : ALL 
+ : elnaz_local : ALL 
+ : nx : ALL 
+ : gitosis : ALL 
+ : (masc) : ALL 
+ : (vlsi) : ALL 
+ : (bridge) : ALL 
- : ALL : ALL 

Calling "su - other_username" should say "permission denied", but, calling "su - your_user_name" should work.

Then edit /etc/conf.d/nfs-common.conf, find NEED_IDMAPD and set it to:


To get other users to have access to their home directories on your machine, you should run the following:

sudo ln -s /mada/users /soe

If are unable to run ls /soe something is wrong and ldap is not properly set up.

You should be able to ssh into your own machine again. Once you have verified that LDAP is working, you may then reboot.

LDAP patch 10/16/14 (if you are doing a new desktop setup, you already have these files) If you are not doing a new desktop setup and your LDAP is broken:

scp <username>@mada4.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/nss_ldap.conf /etc/nss_ldap.conf
scp <username>@mada4.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/pam_ldap.conf /etc/pam_ldap.conf
scp -r <username>@mada4.cse.ucsc.edu:/etc/openldap/cacerts /etc/openldap/.

MDM might give you a hard time. If that is the case, you can install and use lightdm instead. For this porpuse, run the following commands:

pacman -S lightdm
pacman -S lightdm-gtk3-greeter
systemctl stop mdm.service
systemctl disable mdm.service
cp /etc/pam.d/mdm /etc/pam.d/lightdm   ; you might want to keep a backup
systemctl enable lightdm.service
systemctl start lightdm.service

Synopsys Tools Required Libraries

Having installed xorg-server xorg-server-common, I still had to install the following.

pacman -S xorg-server-devel

Install more and more fonts. Some of them are required by the Synopsys tools.

pacman -S $(pacman -Ssq font)
pacman -S $(pacman -Ssq ttf)

Install libtermcap which needed by Synopsys simulator.

#Download termcap-2.0.8.tar.gz
wget masc.soe.ucsc.edu/termcap-2.0.8.tar.gz
cd termcap-2.0.8
#remove .depend file and do "make distclean".
# Build and install
sudo make install
# set link library paths
sudo cp termcap.conf /etc/ld.so.conf.d/
sudo ldconfig
#png library
pacman -S libpng12

If the above command doesn't work try:

yaourt -S libpng12

I also had to install a few old libraries from the AUR:

yaourt -S ncurses5-compat-libs
yaourt -S libjpeg6-turbo
yaourt -S libtiff3

Try to run dc_shell, and if it complains about missing libraries, it is most likely because it needs older libs (Arch/Manjaro tend to update libs sooner than most distros). If that is the case, it is most likely that an older version of the library will be available from the AUR (thus install it with yaourt).

Ruby Related Stuff

The following steps are installing RVM.

  • This only needs to be done once per user since user home directories are shared across machines using NFS.
  • Do not use root when installing RVM. Avoid multi-user setup. Always prefer individual setup from your account.
  • We use RVM to support multiple ruby versions.
pacman -S curl
\curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable --ruby

Set Time/crontab

Install required software

 pacman -S ntp

Set timezone and use ntp servers

 timedatectl set-timezone America/Los_Angeles
 timedatectl set-ntp yes

Setup new crontab

 systemctl enable cronie
 systemctl start cronie

Open /etc/ntp.conf file in an editor and add UCSC ntp server and remove default servers. When you are done the only server that should be listed in the file is

 server ntp.ucsc.edu

Update All Packages

Frequently update all of your installed packages.

 pacman -Syu

Search for an installed package x.

 pacman -Qs | grep x


Get pacaur needed packages

 pacman -S expac yajl bash-completion cower

Now the weird custom AUR install

Get the packages

 wget https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/pa/pacaur/pacaur.tar.gz

Install pacaur

 tar zxvf pacaur.tar.gz
 cd pacaur
 pacman -U pacaur*.xz

From now, use pacaur instead of pacman

 pacaur -Suy

Add the multilib repo

Edit /etc/pacman.conf to have:

 SigLevel = PackageRequired
 Include = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Install multilib gcc and libs

 pacman -Suy
 pacman -S gcc-multilib binutils