Setup - Kali Linux

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Revision as of 19:26, 5 February 2020 by Renau (Talk | contribs) (Create Install Setup)

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Create Install Setup

Create a bootable USB from Kali linux

Use default partition (single partition and swap around same as memory)

GUI install works fine. Default options

Account Setup

Create a local account that does not match in name the SOE LDAP. E.g: jrenau vs renau

Basic Setup

SSH Server (not for laptop, just desktop and servers)

apt-get install openssh-server
systemctl enable ssh.service
systemctl start ssh.service

Firewall Setup

Setup the firewall:

apt-get install ufw
ufw default deny
ufw reject auth
ufw limit ssh/tcp
ufw logging off

The next line is only needed the first time you install the package.

ufw enable

Follow it by enabling ufw with systemctl.

systemctl enable ufw.service

Finally, query the rules being applied via the status command.

ufw status