Sharing Cadence Libraries

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There are several issues to share libraries in Cadence. First, you must have a unix group made and add the users whom you want to share with added to the group. This is taken care of by your professor for this class.

Changing file group

If you want to change the group ownership of a directory and it's contents recursively, you should use:

chgrp -R group_name directory

If your default group is different than the one you want, you will have to do this whenever a new file is created.

Changing file permissions

If you want to change the permission on a file or directory, you should use use chmod.

chmod syntax is shown in the following example:

chmod 775 file_name
chmod 775 folder_name

Where the series of three digits defines the permissions for user, group, and others. Each digit indicates what operations can be accessed, depending on the following operation values:

1 : Execute
2 : Write
4 : Read

So in our above example, the owner has the permission to read/write/execute (4+2+1), the group has the permission to read/write/execute (4+2+1), while others can read/execute only (4+1). For further information on permissions, look at this tutorial: 

In case you want to use chmod recursively for files underneath a folder, you could use:

chmod -R 751 folder_name

but note that this file permission is just an example!! It is not a good idea to set the permissions as 751 for everything as that is too broad. If you want to "clone" the group permissions to have the same permissions as the owner then you can do something like this:

find folder_name -name \* -exec chmod g=u {} \;

Adding Library

To add an existing library from another machine or user, first you have to copy this library to your local space (where you run virtuoso), then in your cds.lib file you should add:

DEFINE new_library /your/local/space/new_library

Then in your lib.defs file you should add:

DEFINE new_library /your/local/space/new_library
ASSIGN new_library libMode shared

Copying between libraries

DO NOT COPY CADENCE FILES IN UNIX. This could render your project unusable. Instead, you should use the "Copy Wizard" available via Edit->Copy Wizard in the CIW window. I suggest that you have a shared library and work on files in a local library. When you are ready to share, copy them to the shared library and fix the permissions.