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we assign op=OP_MDDS something to tell the hardware the current opcode and float64_add_next etc are used to compute the softvalues .. no calculations by hand


tf_putlongp() is a PLI function which puts a 64 int value to the current task or function

my_putlongp() is a helper function which takes in dest and value and stores it into that dest with some PLI function...

similarly for my_getlongp() and my_gettime()


invoke dc_shell-t -64bit



GIT Commands - HOWTO

git commit //adds the current changes to the local repo

git push //makes the changes to the server repo

git status // to check local rev compares to the main one

git pull //to sync with others

git mv foo foo.cpp

git add foo.cpp

git reset --hard HEAD // reset local repo

git diff HEAD // diff from last commit


git commit -a -m 'DEBUG: Defaulted to the rank test...'

NOTES on terminal commands and search tips

NOTES on terminal commands and search tips

grep -r <string> * --- To search for a string in folders

find ~ -name "*.*" --- to search for a file

to open a pdf

evince <filename>.pdf

VI skills/UNIX

search replace


Clear cmd by using ctrl+L instead of typing out clear

To store simulation log in a file say log.txt

rake test:softfloat_tb >& log.txt

Cut or copy lines without counting the lines

  - In normal mode, go to the beginning of the first mark ---> Type mk
  - Go to the end of your selection                       ---> "ay'k (double quotes, <register name from a-z>, <y-yank or d-delete>, single quote, k

If you do "ad'k it will delete them from the current location and copy them into register a.

<number>dd - delete line <number>yy - yank line

SSH multiple windows

ssh -X mada gnome-terminal &

My ~/.vimrc file

set ai

syntax on

set ic

set hls

set ruler

set history=50

set backspace=2


select block of text in visual mode

then gq to align

search tips

gd to search for word under cursor

copy & paste

to copy within blocks yi{}, yi(), yiw, etc - copy di{}, di(), diw, etc - cut

ctrl+v for block mode vi

Working with multiple files

e filename - Edit a file in a new buffer
bnext (or :bn) - go to next buffer
bprev (of :bp) - go to previous buffer
bd - delete a buffer (close a file)
sp filename - Open a file in a new buffer and split window

ctrl+ws - Split windows ctrl+ww - switch between windows ctrl+wq - Quit a window ctrl+wv - Split windows vertically


Logging terminal outputs

Nifty tool for logging the entire interactive session

script <outfile.out>

ctrl+D to exit or end session