Printing/Plotting your layout images

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In your working directory (from where you launch virtuoso &) , create a file name ".cdsplotinit", with the following contents:

Encapsulated PostScript |Encapsulated PostScript: \
       :manufacturer=Adobe: \
       :type=epsfiC: \
       :maximumPages#1: \
       :resolution#300: \
       :paperSize="8.5x11 inches" 1500 1500: \
       :paperSize="46x33 inches" 2400 2400: \
       :paperSize="Unlimited" 72000 72000:

And then use Virtuoso's menu File->Print->Plot Options

Edit the box/field with Local Tmp Directory to point to a place where you want the image file to be saved.

Check the box "Send Plot Only to File"

Uncheck the box "Mail Log To"

Make sure, this file (.cdsplotinit) exists before you decide to launch your Virtuoso session for printing purposes.

To convert your Encapsulated PostScript files into PDF files, perform the following conversion from your command-line:

epstopdf file_name.eps

To check whether epstopdf is already installed on your local machine, perform on the command line: which epstopdf

To copy a file from the unix machine to your laptop or personal computer, you need to use an scp client (e.g., scp or Putty's [pscp]). The command should be like this:

scp <yourid> .

(or pscp if using Putty).


If you encounter a message "A drawing error encountered" when you click Print from Adobe Reader, try one or more of the following:

1. Obtain the latest version of epstopdf and/or perform the epstopdf conversion on different machines (Say, mada0, milk, muffin etc)

2. Update Adobe Reader and/or try a different PDF reader application.

3. As a last resort try lowering the export resolution from Cadence to EPS in the .cdsplotinit file.