Tip 7: etags

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Tags allow you to look up functions quickly from context. For example, if you see a function call "foo(bar)", you can look up the definition of foo with a few keystrokes no matter what file it is in.

If you are using C++:

  etags --c++ *.cpp *.h

or add it to your Makefile to automatically update. This will create a TAGS file in your current directory that contains includes locations and defnitions of functions in your program for fast look-up.

In emacs, to load a tag file use:


Once you have the tags table loaded you can:


Find a definition for a tag. The default tag is identifier under the cursor. Name completion type partial name and then TAB.

ctrl-x 4 . TAG 	

Display tag in new window.


Find the next definition for the tag.


Pop tag stack (go back one level)

In vi, you can do something similar, but, as far as I know, it only works with ctags (ctags <files>). It is similar, however, but the tags file is formatted a bit differently. load a function directly from the command line:

vi -t   subroutine_name

or within vi:

:tag subroutine_name

or by placing your cursor over the function and typing:


More information is here:
