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(Color Scheme)
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VIM can call your make command directly and point to the next compilation error. This works even with remote compile.
=== Shortcuts ===
=== Shortcuts ===
==== Compile ====
Once you compile your program ":make", you can move across the errors
Go to the current error (first one if you just run make). This will print the gcc error
You can go to the next error
Or the previous one
==== Align Code ====
If you use the align package, just try to align the assignments. Select the whole line (V), and align the code to the = sign.
=== Configuration ===
=== Configuration ===
By default ":make" runs the make command in the current directory (:pwd). You can change as follows
set makeprg=gmake\ -C\ ~/build/qemu
In fact, you can even set a remote compilation in another machine.
set makeprg=ssh\ mada7\ \"gmake\ -C\ ~/build/qemu\"
Line 24: Line 57:
* :''x'' - Jump to line 'x' in the file
* :''x'' - Jump to line 'x' in the file
* y''d''y or ''d''yy - Copy d lines to clipboard
* y''x''y or ''x''yy - Copy x lines to clipboard
* d''x''d or ''x''dd - Cut x lines to clipboard
* SHIFT% - Finds a pair. For example, you want to find a match to the currently highlighted bracket.
* SHIFT# - Searches for a word
* gg - Takes you to the top of the page.
* SHIFTg - Takes you to the bottom of the page.
* Substitution
    :%s/'x'/'y'/gc            - Replace 'x' with 'y' on all lines (%)
    :15,25s/hello/goodbye/g    - Replace 'x' with 'y' from between lines 15 and 25 inclusive
    :78s/hello/goodbye/g      - Replace 'x' with 'y' only on line 78
    Options for substitution
    g        Global -- Change every occurrence on a line, not just the first
    c        Confirm -- Ask before making each change
=== Configuration ===
=== Configuration ===
* set nocompatible      " Disables troublesome VI compatibilty
Configuration file to have efficient editing.
* set title            " Sets the title bar to give the filename and path
* set ruler            " Enables the location information in bottom right corner
set nocompatible      " Disables troublesome VI compatibilty
* set nowrap            " Disables text wrapping
set title            " Sets the title bar to give the filename and path
* set ignorecase        " Searches ignore case
set ruler            " Enables the location information in bottom right corner
* set wildmenu          " Menu for autocomplete of filenames
set nowrap            " Disables text wrapping
* set number            " Prints line numbers on left of screen
set ignorecase        " Searches ignore case
set wildmenu          " Menu for autocomplete of filenames
set number            " Prints line numbers on left of screen
=Color Scheme=
=Color Scheme=
=== Shortcuts ===
=== Shortcuts ===
* Change the current colorscheme
:colorscheme ''schemename''
=== Configuration ===
=== Configuration ===
* This is a color scheme which I created for myself, but feel free to use it; works best on black backgrounds. [http://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~IanLee1521/files/ian.vim ian.vim]  -- [http://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~IanLee1521/files/vim_colorscheme_ian.png Screenshot] -- To install, place the file in your ~/.vim/colors/ directory, (~/.vim/colors/ian.vim), and add the following line to your .vimrc or .gvimrc file
colorscheme ian
* It is possible to set any file to highlight the syntax correctly for any filetype needed, by associating the filetype with a vim syntax file.
* For Ruby Verilog, add the following line to your ~/.vimrc file.  This will enable Verilog syntax highlighting in Ruby Verilog files.
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.rv set ft=verilog
* For CUDA Files, you need to do one extra step.  You will need to save this [http://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~IanLee1521/files/cu.vim CUDA syntax file] to your ~/.vim/syntax/ directory, and then add the following two lines to the ~/.vimrc file.
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cu set ft=cu
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cuh set ft=cu

Latest revision as of 17:06, 18 May 2010

Under Construction!








VIM can call your make command directly and point to the next compilation error. This works even with remote compile.



Once you compile your program ":make", you can move across the errors

Go to the current error (first one if you just run make). This will print the gcc error


You can go to the next error


Or the previous one


Align Code

If you use the align package, just try to align the assignments. Select the whole line (V), and align the code to the = sign.



By default ":make" runs the make command in the current directory (:pwd). You can change as follows

set makeprg=gmake\ -C\ ~/build/qemu

In fact, you can even set a remote compilation in another machine.

set makeprg=ssh\ mada7\ \"gmake\ -C\ ~/build/qemu\"



  •  :x - Jump to line 'x' in the file
  • yxy or xyy - Copy x lines to clipboard
  • dxd or xdd - Cut x lines to clipboard
  • SHIFT% - Finds a pair. For example, you want to find a match to the currently highlighted bracket.
  • SHIFT# - Searches for a word
  • gg - Takes you to the top of the page.
  • SHIFTg - Takes you to the bottom of the page.

  • Substitution
    :%s/'x'/'y'/gc             - Replace 'x' with 'y' on all lines (%) 
    :15,25s/hello/goodbye/g    - Replace 'x' with 'y' from between lines 15 and 25 inclusive
    :78s/hello/goodbye/g       - Replace 'x' with 'y' only on line 78
    Options for substitution
    g        Global -- Change every occurrence on a line, not just the first
    c        Confirm -- Ask before making each change


Configuration file to have efficient editing.

set nocompatible      " Disables troublesome VI compatibilty
set title             " Sets the title bar to give the filename and path
set ruler             " Enables the location information in bottom right corner
set nowrap            " Disables text wrapping
set ignorecase        " Searches ignore case
set wildmenu          " Menu for autocomplete of filenames
set number            " Prints line numbers on left of screen

Color Scheme


  • Change the current colorscheme
:colorscheme schemename


  • This is a color scheme which I created for myself, but feel free to use it; works best on black backgrounds. ian.vim -- Screenshot -- To install, place the file in your ~/.vim/colors/ directory, (~/.vim/colors/ian.vim), and add the following line to your .vimrc or .gvimrc file
colorscheme ian
  • It is possible to set any file to highlight the syntax correctly for any filetype needed, by associating the filetype with a vim syntax file.
  • For Ruby Verilog, add the following line to your ~/.vimrc file. This will enable Verilog syntax highlighting in Ruby Verilog files.
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.rv set ft=verilog
  • For CUDA Files, you need to do one extra step. You will need to save this CUDA syntax file to your ~/.vim/syntax/ directory, and then add the following two lines to the ~/.vimrc file.
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cu set ft=cu
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cuh set ft=cu