Helper function : sf_float64_2op_check
called whenever softfloat_check() is called ... which is after the posedge of clk
and similar for sf_float64_2op_set except that it is called before the posedge of clk
and int ops have similar helper functions
simple_result[state].when = my_gettime(); simple_result[state].val = ll_res; simple_result[state].op = do_op; simple_result[state].in_use = 1;
saves the pre comp values in a data structure struct Result_Entry... then checked using the fpu generated result....
struct result_entry saves values for checking including number of tests being run
32 bit operations are meant to printed out with masking being involved at some point
we assign op=OP_MDDS something to tell the hardware the current opcode and float64_add_next etc are used to compute the softvalues .. no calculations by hand
tf_putlongp() is a PLI function which puts a 64 int value to the current task or function
my_putlongp() is a helper function which takes in dest and value and stores it into that dest with some PLI function...
similarly for my_getlongp() and my_gettime()
GIT Commands - HOWTO
git commit //adds the current changes to the local repo
git push //makes the changes to the server repo
git status // to check local rev compares to the main one
git pull //to sync with others
git mv foo foo.cpp
git add foo.cpp
git commit -a -m 'DEBUG: Defaulted to the rank test...'
git reset --hard HEAD // reset local repo
git diff HEAD // diff from last commit
NOTES on terminal commands and search tips
NOTES on terminal commands and search tips
grep -r <string> * --- To search for a string in folders
find ~ -name "*.*" --- to search for a file
to open a pdf
evince <filename>.pdf