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8191 + 16646144 = 16646143 fpu result : 4194559 fpu result : 4194559 fpu result : 4194559 fpu result : 4194559 fpu result : 4194559 fpu result : 4194559 fpu result : 16646143

About & clocks or checks before result is correct

Works for both add and mul


Helper function : sf_float64_2op_check

called whenever softfloat_check is called ... which is after a certain time after the posedge of clk


simple_result[state].when = my_gettime();

 simple_result[state].val        = ll_res;
 simple_result[state].op         = do_op;
 simple_result[state].in_use     = 1;

saves the pre comp values in a data structure struct Result_Entry... then checked using the fpu generated result....

3 1/2

struct result_entry saves values for checking including number of tests being run


change default test_type to Rank_test

does tests based on probability generated by random number function


smul umul and other things are meant for int operations hence the name of the function int2_op etc


32 bit operations are meant to printed out with masking being involved at some point


we assign op=OP_MDDS something to tell the hardware the current opcode and float64_add_next etc are used to compute the softvalues .. so dont go looking around how to compute the value

op is an inout to the main fpu.v as well as fpu_result


tf_putlongp() is a PLI function which puts a 64 int value to the current task or function

my_putlongp() is a helper function which takes in dest and value and stores it into that dest with some PLI function...

similarly for my_getlongp() and my_gettime()

next page on FPU

GIT Commands - HOWTO

git commit //adds the current changes to the local repo

git push //makes the changes to the server repo

git status // to check local rev compares to the main one

git pull //to sync with others

git mv foo foo.cpp

git add foo.cpp


git commit -a -m 'DEBUG: Defaulted to the rank test...'

git reset --hard HEAD // reset local repo

git diff HEAD // diff from last commit

NOTES on terminal commands and search tips

NOTES on terminal commands and search tips

grep -r <string> * --- To search for a string in folders

find ~ -name "*.*" --- to search for a file

to open a pdf

evince <filename>.pdf