Tip 7: etags

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Tags allow you to look up functions quickly from context. For example, if you see a function call "foo(bar)", you can look up the definition of foo with a few keystrokes no matter what file it is in.

If you are using C++:

  etags --c++ *.cpp *.h

or add it to your Makefile to automatically update. This will create a TAGS file in your current directory that contains includes locations and defnitions of functions in your program for fast look-up.

In emacs, to load a tag file use:


Once you have the tags table loaded you can:


Find a definition for a tag. The default tag is identifier under the cursor. Name completion type partial name and then TAB.

ctrl-x 4 . TAG 	

Display tag in new window.


Find the next definition for the tag.


Pop tag stack (go back one level)

In vi, you can load a function directly from the command line:

vi -t   subroutine_name

or within vi:

:tag subroutine_name

or by placing your cursor over the function and typing:


More information is here:
