From Vlsiwiki
Micro Architecture Santa Cruz wiki projects.
- ESESC Superscalar Simulator
- SCOORE Santa Cruz Out-of-Order Risc Engine
- MTHD Multitouch Hardware Description
- Gource Software Version Control Visualization
- Desktop Setup Instructions to setup your desktop
- VIM Tips, tricks, and shortcuts
Synthesis Setup
MASC uses a unified compilation environment which requires the use of the command rake to synthesize designs. To synthesize your design follow the steps below:
Step 1: Create a directory, preferably named the same thing as your design top level.
For example: if my design is named alu, I would create a directory by the name of alu.
Step 2: Create an rtl directory inside the design directory.
For example: alu/rtl
Step 3: All design rtl should reside in the rtl directory.
For example: alu/rtl/alu.v alu/rtl/alu_mem.v alu/rtl/alu_fifo.v
Step 4: In the alu directory create an xml file. The xml file must have the same name as the directory.
For example: alu/alu.xml
Step 5: The xml file must contain the following tags.
For example: <project name="alu"> <requires>common</requires> <requires>rnet</requires> <requires>storage</requires> <requires>retry</requires> <asic frequency="1400" tech="90" suite="dc"/> <asic base="alu"/> <catalyst base="alu" test=""/> <verify base="alu"/> <fpga base="alu" tool="synplify"/> <testbench base="alu_tb" suite="vcs"> <CC></CC> <verilog>tests/</verilog> <tab>tests/</tab> <source> </source> </testbench> <regression target="test">alu_tb</regression> <regression target="asic">alu</regression> <regression target="fpga">alu</regression> </project>
Step 6: From the design directory type rake.
For example: (from alu/ )type "rake" All options for the current design should be displayed on the screen. rigo @ mada0 ~/mascrtl/projects/tapeout/alu $ rake (in /mada/users/rigo/mascrtl) rake all # Run everything! rake asic:all # Run all ASIC tasks. rake asic:alu_top # Run "alu_top" with ASIC. rake catalyst:all # Create the Catalyst directory rake catalyst:alu_top # Create "alu_top" for Catalyst. rake clean # Remove any temporary products. rake clobber # Remove any generated file. rake default # Show a list of available tasks. rake fpga:all # Run all FPGA tasks. rake fpga:alu_top # Run "alu_top" with "synplify" FPGA. rake regression:all # Run all regression tasks. rake regression:clean # clean all regression tasks. rake regression:clobber # clobber all regression tasks. rake rverilog:all # Create the Verilog/Ruby generated files. rake test:all # Run all test benches. rake verify:all # Run all verify tasks. rake verify:alu_top # Run "alu_top" with Formality. General Options: full=1 ; Let any module to be a target v=1 ; Do not launch program execution FPGA Options: tool=num ; synplify ASIC Options: tech=num ; Technology (90, 65...) frequency=num ; Frequency in MHz (900, 140) suite=string ; ASIC suite (dc, pt, rc, soc) TEST Options: suite=string ; Test suite (vsim, vcs, ncsim, gcc) gui=1 ; Invoke gui for testbench (vsim, vcs) console=1 ; Console Mode. (verify, dc_shell) Only with v=1. do="run -all" ; ModelSim -do line, ex do="do; run -all" (GUI Only) grid=1 ; Submit testbench(s) to Sun Grid (vsim, vcs) SDF=1 ; Do timing run (must compile with ASIC first) SAIF=1 ; Dump a SAIF and VCD for power analysis (it could be used with SDF=1) ttb=0 ; Disable automatic generation of testbench files args= ; Pass args to tb. Use Quotes to pass multiple args Touch the ttb rtl file to regenerate the ttb
Step 7: Type "rake asic:alu full=1 v=1
Output: (in /mada/users/rigo/mascrtl) ./
Step 8: type ./
LEON / Nallatech
- LEON 3 Complete Place and Route of LEON 3 Core on XC 5VFX130T
- NALLATECH Develop complete interface flow