From Vlsiwiki
SCOORE Pipeline
Major SCOORE blocks:
- bpred: Branch predictor with BTB, OGEHL, RAS, BIT, and instruction predecode
- L0I: Instruction cache
- crack: Instruction decode/crack creates uOPs from SPARC V8.
- ratrob: Rename and Reorder buffer
- scheduler: Long latency instruction scheduler window.
- select: Instruction select stage to enforce structural hazards
- ce: Compute Engine
- L0D: Speculative L0 data cache
- L1: L1 cache
SCOORE Synthesis
SCOORE targets ASIC and FPGA. To simplify configurations the synos script automatically generates configuration files for all the tools.
SCOORE Coding Style
SCOORE uses a subset of System Verilog. The subset is selected to maximize reuse while still working in all the synthesis tools.
SCOORE has a dual ASIC/FPGA target. We target many FPGAs as long as they are big enough. This document explains how to bring up a SCOORE board.
RAMP Relation
RAMP shares many goals with the SCOORE project. This link explains some of the SCOORE constructs from a RAMP perspective.